Our services: 1. PA system 2. Hall sound system 3. Acoustics engineering 4. Audio system design and repairing 5. Projector 6. Conference AV system 7. Signage media
L攝影及影音 / 影音Linker Technology

While there is an availability of a huge number of cuisines in Hong Kong, the need for Indian restaurants is something that had always been there in Hong Kong. With the Anjappar, the best Indian resta
a商業 / 節目及活動anjapparhk01

Hello Everyone i am urgently looking for positive investment opportunities and running business partnerships to invest in i have available required investment capital and looking for any investment op
m商業 / 商業優惠motsepe700

Non Frame is a studio offering professional works for photography and photo retouching. We have worked for multi-national companies who require high standards but without the high price tag.

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong in 1996, carrying baby and children products including furniture, bed and bath goods, baby wear and accessories, toys and gifts.

This phone is unlocked and can be used with any SIM card. No activation required (check carrier frequency requirements)

The unique charming neighbourhood with winding streets is made up with lots of contemporary arts galleries. designer workshops. tradition antique shops, chic bars and cafes.
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Mier Serviced Apartments

香港蟲害控制從業員協會(PCPA)會員,集二十餘年經驗及科學方法,採用有效、 安全之滅蟲藥品,配合豐富經驗技術隊伍,定期為客戶提供專業滅蟲服務,對客戶環境衛生有所保證,深得各客戶支持。 誠意為閣下之家居及店舖實施安全有效之害蟲防治, 免費專人報價。
家居 / 清潔及滅蟲滅靈滅虫公司

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Specialised Outdoor Retail and Online Store  

We have a few 2nd hand Cars for Sale under good deals !!!! Please visit the details !!!
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠德星汽車維修服務TAK SING GARAGE

一勵教育提供各種各類型課程:中小學英文數學專科及全科課程,升中面試班, 海外入學試課程--SAT, SSAT, GMAT, ACT, IELTS, TOEFL 等各級課程 ,為你裝備應付取錄試,大大提昇入學取錄之機會。我們擁有經驗豐富之專業團隊,必定助你獲得最佳取錄機會 名師親自教授,小班教學,著重教學成效
教學進修 / 補習Elite Education Student Service 一勵教育

屯門錦發大廈罕有2房筍盤平售,建築407呎,實用326呎,只售368萬;全屋附雅致裝修,新淨企理,間隔四正,廳大房大,全屋無窗台,實用率約82%;擁光猛開揚翠綠園景,大廈兼附有24小時完善保安管理及電梯。另大廈已翻新,外型及設備新淨。 此外,步行約10分鐘即到西鐵站(35分鐘車程直達尖沙咀)、屯門市廣場及V City,2分鐘即到輕鐵站,另樓下有巴士及通宵小巴直達港九新界,有巴士到深圳灣(約15分鐘
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